The Forum for Youth Investment was the lead organization on developing Design Principles for Community-Based Settings: Putting the Science of Learning and Development into Action , in partnership with Learning Policy Institute (LPI) and Turnaround for Children (TFC). The main authors for this playbook were Priscilla Little, Merita Irby, Poonam Borah, and Karen Pittman. Many individuals and organizations have supported the Design Principles project overall. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond (LPI) and Dr. Pam Cantor (TFC) were principal investigators for the project, which was ably managed by Laura E. Hernández and Abby Schachner from LPI. Additional co-authors of the companion playbook, Design Principles for Schools: Putting the Science of Learning and Development Into Action , included Sara Plasencia from LPI and Christina Theokas and Elizabeth Tijerina from Turnaround for Children. The authors also thank the Science of Learning and Development (SoLD) Alliance for its partnership and ongoing commitment to translating the science of learning and development into practices and policies that can support equitable transformation across the learning and development ecosystem.
Design Principles for Community-Based Settings Advisor Group
To ground the Playbook in the diversity of community-based learning settings, the Forum engaged a set of advisors with expertise across a broad range of community-based settings to review and give input on the principles, practices, examples and resources provided throughout the Playbook. We wish to acknowledge:
- Dan Gilbert, Afterschool Alliance
- Jen Rinehart, Afterschool Alliance
- Jill Young, American Institutes for Research
- Jennifer Brown Lerner, Aspen Institute for Sports and Society
- Alicia Wilson-Ahlstrom, Forum for Youth Investment
- Larry Pasti, Forum for Youth Investment
- Winsome Waite, formerly Forum for Youth Investment
- Sharon Deich, Four Point Education Partners
- Stephanie Krauss, Jobs for the Future and First Quarter Strategies
- Elizabeth Santiago, MENTOR
- Mary Arnold, National 4-H Council
- Heidi Hamm, National Afterschool Association
- Jane Quinn, formerly National Center for Community Schools
- Robyn Ince, formerly National Urban League
- Wendy Castillo, National Urban League
- Elizabeth Cushing, Playworks
- Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound
- Dale Blyth, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota (emeritus)
- Lauren Bierbaum, XQ Institute
We also thank our colleagues at the Forum for Youth Investment and with the Readiness Projects for their thorough review of the chapters. This includes Dave Martineau, Kim Robinson, and Barb Hillaker at the Forum’s David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality; Alicia Wilson-Ahlstrom, Stephanie Krauss, and Katherine Plog Martinez, consultants for the Forum who are dedicated to the Readiness Projects; and Deb Moroney and Jill Young, American Institutes for Research, a Readiness Projects coordinating partner.
In addition, we thank Collaborative Communications for their assistance in editing and design of this playbook.
This research was supported by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation. We are grateful to them for their generous support. Additional support to create Design Principles for Community-Based Settings was provided by The Wallace Foundation and the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation as part of the Forum’s Readiness Projects. The ideas voiced here are those of the authors and not those of our funders.